Monday, February 14, 2011

Photography Tips - Buying a DSLR (Especially Used)

Thinking of buying a DSLR? Here are a few tips that might be helpful based on my experience (as a Nikon user):

  • Your Budget- DSLR can be bought from as low as RM800 (body only-used). You can consider buying a used DSLR from photography forum website such as But of course you need to be very careful because some of them will stole your money! Another altenative is to buy from a well establish and trusted seller such as, - Recommended: D90

  • Camera with built in motor or not - Few beginners DSLR doesnt have built in motor. This will give limitation when using lens that doesn't have built in motor such as 50mm where you need to focus manually. DSLR model such as D40/D60/D3000/D3100/D5000 (for Nikon) doesn't have built in motor in them.

  • Shutter Count (SC) - Lifespan of DSLR is measured by its shutter count (the number of click). After certain amount (normally more than50000) the shutter release need to be replaced. You can ask the seller the amount of SC. Shutter count below 20000 can be considered acceptable for used camera. If more you still can get it if the price is right. You can know the amount of SC using this software
To Be Continued...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It's been a while since my last update. Got few wedding assignment this coming months. I plan to make this blog more informative and share what i've learnt so far in photography. Just got into landscape photography recently and thinking of doing more landscape potraiture in the future. Few shots to share, do leave a comment for improvement :)